Saturday, June 17, 2006

Anger and Wrath

A Nugget of Truth:
Put Away wrath and anger! Is wrath and anger the same thing? According to Microsoft Word’s dictionary, “wrath” can mean “the vengeance, punishment, or destruction wreaked by somebody in anger.” Obviously it is ok to be angry at some things…like sin (Jesus Christ was angry when he saw the money changers in the Church, and God shows His wrath on the punishment for sin). But put away anger. I know for me this is difficult to do especially if one offends me. I want to do everything I can to make that person’s day miserable and make him/her pay for whatever it may be. But that’s not right! Put what has happened behind you. I think that the book of Proverbs tells us to pray for our enemies. If you pray for your enemies, how can you be angry at them?

Praise of the Day:
Over the past few years I have been praying for this one girl--that she would know Christ in a personal way. This past summer, I had the privilege to have a bible study with this one girl. Toward the end of the Bible study she told me she knew Christ and was saved from sin and hell, but I was not sure if she was just saying that or if it really came to a realization of her sin and a need for a Savior. I gave her a book called Changing into His Image by Jim Berge. I talk to this girl again the other day and she was revved up because she was learning so much on how to live like Christ and how to please Him. You could tell by the reflection in her voice that she truly wanted to forsake her own will and lifestyle and follow her Savior. How AWESOME is that. The Lord is alive and well.

Yesterday was a busy day, but it was a lot of fun as well. My team catered a 250+ business in the area for breakfast and lunch and in the evening we sold food before a high school graduation. We sold a lot of food to say the least, but it was a lot of fun! The major flaw of the event was that I think it was poorly planned and organized, but overall I think the team did an outstanding job.

This is me at S. Truett Cathy's desk in Atlanta, GA.


At 8:03 PM , Blogger Jennifer said...

bob, i totally know what you mean about putting away anger. i posted about that a while ago - you'll hafta read it! i miss you! it looks and sounds like you're having tons of fun!
i love you!


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