It's been a while...sorry
So Jen reminded me today to not be lazy and to drop a word or two on my blog. So here we go.
Nugget of Truth:
I was doing a search the other day about what the Bible says about business. I came across several passages, one of them being Ecclesiastes 3: 9-13. There are many truths and principles found in this small passage, but I would like to look at the last part of the paragraph (v. 12-13). Solomon is saying here that he recognizes the fact that people who work in a business (that God has given him) should be joyful and to do good deeds as long as they live. Solomon was a man that lived for himself most of his life and did not pay much attention to the needs and concerns of others. But yet, as an old man, he wants the business people of the day to realize the importance of being joyful and doing good to others.
Verse 13 tells us that one of the gifts that God gives his people is the gift to enjoy the fruit of ones labor. God wants us to take pleasure in the work that we do. In one of my business classes last semester, I remember that one of the professors said that about 2/3 of people in the
(Right: My freshman roomate)
I lot has happened since my last post. I was in ust 5 and headed to NYC. There, members of my church and I helped a small church in Lower East Manhattan. We were able to do a lot of site seeing (Statue of Liberty, Elis Island, Sears tower, Time Square, China Town, Yankee Stadium, and Ground Zero.
When I left NYC I headed home to
Currently I am back at school. I am excited to be back in the dorms. This year I will be working in the business office and not Dominos Pizza. Working in the business office will broaden my experience in the daily operations of a business. I am looking forward to serving the school this semester.
I will try to post more often but I am not making any promises. (above: Jon and Joe)