I is going to tell Trevor a "SCARY" STORY
My nephew Camden is convinced he can tell stories with his hands. He loves his new brother so much that he takes the time to tell him a scary story. This video is him telling his new “littlest” brother a "scary" story without using words…only his hands.
If the video is not showing above follow the below steps:
1. Take a deep breath (through your nose out your mouth)
2. Find the mouse which should be located near your keyboard.
3. Find the URL below these instructions.
4. Repeat step one
5. Highlight the URL using the mouse.
6. Click the right button on the mouse over the highlighted area.
7. Select "copy"
8. Repeat step one
9. Right click the mouse and select "paste".
10. Click the left top botton on the mouth
11. Press enter on your keyboard
12. If you have finished these steps and you are still reading this, then the process failed.
13. Please seek further assistance by going to http://www.google.com/search?sourceid=navclient-ff&ie=UTF-8&rlz=1B2GGGL_enUS177&q=how+to+copy+and+paste