Nugget of Truth:
I have learned a great deal this summer working for Chick-fil-A. The most valuable take-away would be the importance of servant leadership. Servant leadership is obviously found in the Scripture; however, I did not think about it much until this summer. Often times I would read over simple verses about Christians being servants (i.e. Philippians 1:1). And sometimes you here in church, “Serve God with all your heart!” Which that is defiantly true, but I never thought about actually SERVING God. Matthew 4:11 records angels ministering to Jesus while he was on the mountain after he was tempted.
With that being said, how can I SERVE God? At Chick-fil-A, one of my jobs sometimes is to serve the guest, whether that is fulfilling an order or taking trash from the table. I often tell the guests “If there is anything else I can do for you, just let me know.” Do I whole heartily tell God, “If there is anything else I can do for you, just let me know?” Sometimes when I get involved in ministry I get my eyes off God, and on me. It should be that when I minister to others, I should be doing it as a service to God.
Ephesians 6 looks at the relationship of a slave and a master. I think this portion of Scripture gives a good definition of what a servant of Christ is—doing the will of God from the heart and not looking to men for recognition to please him, but to please the Lord (6-7). (Above: Adriene (San Diego Team Member) SERVING a guest at CFA)
A lot has happened here in
The next week, a few other CFA employees and most of my team and I went to
Soon I will be leaving CA and be on a plane to NY for a missions outreach. I am looking forward to that opportunity to SERVE Christ in NY!
Hey Bob I like your blog! have a great rest of the summer serving Christ!
I am proud of you Bob, I miss you dearly, but am glad that you have had this opportunity.
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