A Nugget of Truth:
The past week I have had some trouble with my right eye. At first I thought it was just a small

problem and that it would go away if I washed it out real well. The second day I noticed that this “small” problem was actually something that I could see in the mirror. My eyelid had a small bump in it. The third day I woke up and I saw that my eye lid (all the way across my eye) was extremely swollen. I went to urgent care in
Southern California. The doc. gave me some pills, told me to put a hot rag on it a few times a day, and I was off knowing that my eye problem was soon to get better. Well to make a long story short, three days later, my eye was much, much bigger. My e

ye was in so much pain that I was taking anywhere from 2400mg-3600mg of I B prophin per day for the pain. My work performance slowed down dramatically, and I could not be as efficient or as effective as I wanted to be due to the impaired eye that was almost fully closed. I would haft to say that I appreciate my right eye more now than ever. Over the past few weeks I have been randomly thinking about the importance of being involved in ministry and being involved in a church body. If one of the members in a church body is not doing wel

l, it will affect the rest of the body (just like my eye). When I was blind out of one eye for a day, my left eye had to do all the seeing for me. My legs could not move as fast because I never knew what was right next to me on my right side. My body had to make adjustments because one of my members where down. It is important that all Christians be part of a body (church) of Christ. Otherwise you are just like an eye walking around not using your talents and abilities as effectively as you could be.
I Corinthians 12:12-ff
I had something similar happen to me. I washed it out a couple of times. As most of you know I hate going to the doctor, so I decided to examine my eye myself. I held up my eyelid and fished around. I found what was cauing the problem...it was a knat. Yep a little bug flew into my eye somehow and was logged up there. The next day mt eye was fine.
jimmy...did the nat lay eggs?
hahaha. i just want you to have a good time too. btw, i like your shoulder pads!
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At least your eye didn't look that bad when we were in NYC!
Good analogy, Robert. We weren't given two eyes just so we can use the other when one is not working. That's why we can't give preference to any eye; we have to take care of both. That's what I've learned in my visits with the optometrists here in Indianapolis. Hopefully, what I'm doing is enough to cure my astigmatism.
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